Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Alex is now about two months and two weeks old. He had his two month check up on the 9th. He weighed in at 13 pounds, 8 ounces, and 22 and 3/4 inches long. That put him in the 50th percentile for height... and the 90th percentile for weight! In fact, I started putting him in 3-6 month clothing last week; I was having too much difficulty getting some of his sleepers and his little jeans on him! So now he's in a mix of 0-3 and 3-6 month clothes.

Alex is developing quite the personality. His favorite things in the world are diaper changes (unless he's just woken up and is really hungry!!), baths, and looking in the mirror. Those all illicit huge smiles. We had three nights in a row of nearly 7 hours of sleep -- but we have since gone back to 3-4 hour stretches. Oh well, I know we'll get there eventually! And last night he laughed at us! It was adorable. If only I had it on video... There's no way to describe the way he laughs. It's so cute.

Ben has been quite a ham lately (okay, so what's different?). Recently there was an ice skater on the Today show, and he informed me, "I will do that when I'm four, but not three. It's too hard for three." He is also in love with the song "John Deere Green" (ha, go figure!) and has been singing it all the time. He started out singing a lot of it with nonsense words, but gradually he's more and more accurate! He's going to be a JD tractor w/ crawler tracks this year, assuming his daddy can execute it!

Here are some new photos...

Apple picking at the Alasa Farms, the same day we went to the donor recognition ceremony...

A playdate with Michael and Max! Alex even got in on the action -- note the fabulous propping done by Lois!

Haha, I love these two photos! Ben passed out on the way home from Grandpa Larry and Grandma Cathy's after a long day of playing with his cousins. We didn't bother trying to change his shirt. He was OUT!
Happy tummy time for Alex!
And a great big smile!!!!!!

Evidence of the chubby belly... He's about ready to bust out of that 0-3 month onesie!!!
I love how ridiculous Ben looks in this photo -- PJs and work boots!
And last but not least, a couple photos of the brothers together. This was Ben's first time holding Alex w/o any help! He did great. And Alex was even smiling (well, at first... The smile waned as the session went on).

1 comment:

The Strong Family said...

That apple orchard smile picture is gorgeous!!!

Lorelei is going to be passed by Alex in no time - she was at 16lbs and nothin' at her appt last week!