Friday, February 20, 2009


So, I decided to go in to work for a little bit today and neaten up my room. Because Andy just had knee surgery, I took Alex with me so he would only have one boy to contend with. Foolishly, I thought I would take him without a back-up outfit. Alas, this is how he came home...

Yeah... That would be my tee shirt from Winter Week, which I thankfully left in the classroom over break. He had an outrageous blowout (through onesie and completely down one leg), so they only things he came home in of his own were his hat and socks! Absurd. Every mommy knows that you're supposed to bring a back-up outfit! Thank goodness I had the diaper bag at least! I'm not leaving the house again without a back-up outfit in that thing. Well, it made for an amusing outing... A brief one, though. Alex decided hanging out in a gigantic tee shirt in Mommy's classroom was not his idea of a good time. I still have a pile of things to take care of! Oh well. :)

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