~ The little toy is one of those tiny pull back cars that looks like a monster truck. He and Andy are playing with it as I type. Every time he does something with it he'll proclaim, "Hooray, Monster Truck!"
~ He is obsessed with the movie "Milo and Otis." He quotes it constantly. His favorite lines are, "Come back here Milo!," "Cat's in the can!," I've told you again and again and again, please don't walk on the chickens!!" The last one is particularly funny, because he affects Dudley Moore's (the narrator) British accent, so he pronounces it "a-gain," rather than the way we Americans say again. He also has been stating, "Deep down inside, I'm a dog" (something Otis tells Milo when Milo asks if he's a cat). It's priceless. See video:
~ Last night we were out somewhere and heard a woman say, "It's too darn hot." So I briefly sang the chorus of the song "It's too darn hot." Well, now he knows that entire chorus. He learned it after I sang it once. See video:
And Ben certainly knows about being "too darn hot." The second floor of this cape cod gets extremely warm during the day. We have central air, but it has taken about a week to really get settled in, and the second floor can still be extremely. I'd bet there are days it has been 78 on the first floor but nearly 90 on the second. Well, this is how Ben has been sleeping:

He might not look comfortable (or well fed!) but he was out like a light! And sweating profusely. Here are some more recent photos...
Clockwise from top left: 1. Ben driving the lawn tractor with Daddy -- he really is steering! And Andy can tell him which way to steer, or give him a landmark to steer toward, and Ben knows what to do! 2. Ben is discovering the joys of being naked! 3. This was taken on the back part of our property, and Ben is fascinated by the tall grass. I love this photo! 4. He has tough little feet! He'll run barefoot on the driveway and pedal his little tricycle around. He loves to play in his pool for awhile, then run and ride his tricycle (hence the swimmy diaper!)
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