That's our little boy! The one on the left is hard to see, he has his face all smushed, but on the right you can probably see his face in profile. He has his hands near his face, partially obscuring it. These were taken at my last ultrasound w/ the "high risk" specialist two weeks ago. He was mainly checking on growth (the anatomy still looked great). He weighed 2.5 pounds then, with 11 weeks to go. I think I'm in for another big boy like Ben. If you follow the rule that babies typically gain a half pound a week in the last trimester, that puts our little guy around 8 pounds at birth. I'd love to see him weigh no more than 8, but I probably should start exercising and eating better!! I passed my glucose test this time, so no ridiculous low-carb diet has been ordered like it was with Jake. I just can't wait to hold him in my arms and know that everything is okay. And Ben keeps asking if "baby brother" can come out so they can play. I love it!
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