For the last couple of weeks Andy, the boys and I have been talking more and more about getting a dog. We planned on being rather picky. We wanted a mixed breed, no older than 2, medium size, and, most of all, good with kids and laid back. Knowing we would have to be pretty particular, we fully anticipated taking a long time to find the right pooch. Tuesday we went to the Chemung Co. SPCA. None of the dogs were right for young children, but the woman there suggested going to the Horseheads Animal Shelter. That's where we found Bam Bam...

Bam Bam is the very definition of a "Heinz 57." There is no telling what breeds he's made up of. There's definitely a herding breed in there (he tails Ben just like a herding dog would). He's not too tall and weighs about 45 pounds. The shelter said he probably has some keeshond in him, but other than the shape of his face and the darkness around his eyes he doesn't look anything like a keeshond to me. He has gorgeous coloring, a nice flat coat, and adorable ears (one that sticks up, one that flops down). And he has the calmest, most laid back temperament of any dog I have ever known. He doesn't jump, rarely barks, and listens well most of the time. And he's so good with the kids. He's still getting used to his new home and doesn't play very much - we're all hoping that is something that changes. He's still a puppy after all -he'll be a year on October 13th. He's a welcome addition to our family (just don't ask the cats!).
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