I have been chasing the elusive smile... Alex has started smiling a couple of times a day, but there I can't figure out what causes him to do so (sadly, he doesn't seem to be smiling at me directly), so I haven't been able to capture it on film (well, disk... it's not like the digital camera actually uses film!!!). This was
almost a smile!

Now this was one of those adorable sleepy smiles that infants do as they're drifting off. Alex does that fairly often. I would title this, "Life is good."

I wish I had caught this on film!!! Ben was reading to "Toledo" (the frog I bought at FAO Schwartz ages ago [Remember, Mariah?] and named after El Greco's "The View of Toledo," which I had hunted down at the Met that same trip to NYC), who he has taken quite a liking to. Ben hasn't been much of a stuffed animal kid. When he goes to sleep he takes a book or (guess!) a tractor with him. And he often ends up sleeping on top of them! I try to tell him stuffed animals make better sleeping companions, but he's not interested. He has suddenly become interested in playing with Toledo, though. On this ocassion he set him on his bed, and said, "Okay, Toledo, I'll read to you." He pulled out a book and started to summarize the first page! I, of course, started taking video right when Ben stopped narrating. But I got this cute picture!

Alex enjoying bathtime. He's gazing at the skylight. He loves windows -- so did Ben!

I love this one!!

We got a visit from Darcy and Ramazan on the 13th! They spent the afternoon/evening with us. We also got to see Lynn and Tim Thomas, who just visited for a few hours in the afternoon. It was great to see all of them. Everyone brought gifts with which to spoil Ben (he's going to think his birthday lasts for months!). Unfortunately I missed the boat and didn't get a picture of the boys with Lynn and Tim, but they posed nicely with the Gungors! Ben adores Ramazan. They are so cute together!

Brotherly love. :)

Still trying to catch that smile!!!

Now, once upon a time, I had a Mr. Potato Head. Ben got one last year from my friend Jess. There is an ancient (haha) photo of me wearing my Mr. Potato Head's glasses. This idea was all Ben's own. I have my dad on assignment to try to find the photo of me to post next to this one!
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