As soon as I put Alex down on the boppy to take his photo, Ben had to be right there, trying to get as close to him as possible, asking me to take their picture. He's such a good big brother!
Alex is starting to show some signs of reflux, something that both Andy and I find frightening, since Jake also had reflux, and if may have had something to do with when he stopped breathing. The last two nights there have been stretches where Alex has just cried nonstop, and nothing either of us does is able to assuage it. If I nurse him he will stop crying, but it only seems to make the situation worse afterward. He hasn't been able to sleep in his crib, either. As soon as I lay him down on his back he spits up and starts crying. The funny thing is, he has no trouble during the day. I'm hoping that the last two nights have something to do with something I ate and it just happened to hit him at night. His next doctor's appointment is next Monday, so hopefully we can get some expert advice on easing his discomfort.
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