The four of us!!
After a long and harrowing ordeal (okay, that is possibly slightly exaggerated -- you be the judge), we have our little Alex happily settled at home.
I went in for the induction around 8am on Thursday, and they had me hooked up to pitocin by 9am. I started having regular contractions more or less right away, but when the doctor check my progress around 2:30 he determined that I wasn't making any progress. So he took me off pitocin and gave me cervidil in the hopes that I would start dilating. By 10pm I was really had made a tiny bit of progress and he considered breaking my water, but he did an ultrasound and found that Alex had his arm up by his head -- no good. At 7am he had me get up and walk to see if that would help get Alex to change positions, and I could only walk for half an hour because I was in such immense pain. At 8am there was a shift change, and the new doctor checked me and said, "Well, I really only think you're about 3 centimeters, but I'm going to break your water anyway." Again, this was 8 o'clock. Alex was born at 9:11. In just about an hour I went from uncomfortable, having lots of regular contractions, so they gave me something to help me sleep and deal with the pain. Overnight I felt like things changed, that I must be making some progress toward active labor, but still nothing was happening. At 6:30 the doctor determined I three centimeters to having my baby in my arms. Nearly that entire hour was the worst pain I have EVER endured, but by the time I could push I was calmer, focused, ready to get things done, and I think I only pushed for about ten minutes. No epidural, again. I tried to have one this time, but they tried to do it after my water broke and there was not enough time between contractions at that point. I went from 7 cms at the time they attempted the epidural to pushing in less than 5 minutes.
Alex weighed in at 7 pounds, 4.9 ounces, and 19 and 3/4 inches long. I got to hold him immediately, and didn't have to let go for half an hour or more -- it was wonderful. And then Ben came in. The look on his face is impossible to describe. He was so thrilled to have his baby finally. He appeared to be completely in awe of Alex. He has been fantastic ever since. He doesn't want to leave his side. Some quotes from the last few days:
"He's my favorite."
"I'll take care of him."
"I'll rock him."
"I like Alex so much."
"Alex is my favorite kind of baby."
"Alex is so cute."
"He has tiny, tiny ears."
Saturday evening Ben was at home with my mom, with no intention of coming back to the hospital that evening. At dinner he asked, "Can we go so I can say good night to Alex?"
He kisses him all the time, hugs him, asks to hold or carry him ("carrying" = "helping" someone else carry Alex), and can't stand to be away from him. It's wonderful.
And now a few photos...

Alex with Mommy - his first photo!

I don't know if he'll ever know how special he is to us.

Oh, the humanity!

Ben gets to see his brother for the first time!!

Ben holding Alex for the first time.

Look at those 3 Campbell boys!

My dad surprised us by coming down on Saturday unannounced!

Me and the world's greatest big brother

Alex is all ready to go home

Now this is what life is all about.

Alex gets his first bath - only minor screaming ensued.

He actually found and managed to suck on his thumb already!